As the holiday season approaches, we at FITUEYES are thrilled to offer an exclusive Black Friday Deal that UK customers won’t want to miss. Black Friday has become a significant shopping event in the UK, offering incredible savings on products that elevate the home experience.
This year, we’re excited to introduce our beautifully designed TV stands, including the Picasso Series, Master Series, Eiffel Series, Zen Series, Cantor Series, and Collector Series, all crafted to bring art and functionality together.
The Significance of Black Friday in the UK
Over the years, Black Friday UK has evolved into a highly anticipated shopping event, where consumers can find the best deals on electronics, home goods, and more. At FITUEYES, we believe this is the perfect opportunity to transform your living space with a TV stand that’s as stylish as it is practical.
With discounts(CODE: BF10) of 10% off on all our TV stand products, this is your chance to invest in a stand that not only supports your TV but also enhances your home’s aesthetic appeal. Learn more about FITUEYE BLACK FRIDAY.
FITUEYES: Creating the Environment by the Line
At FITUEYES, our design philosophy revolves around “Create the Environment by the Line.” This principle focuses on the elegance of lines and how they can transform a piece of furniture into a work of art. Each TV stand in our collection is meticulously designed to balance functionality and aesthetics, ensuring it complements any home decor, from modern minimalism to classic styles.
Explore Our TV Stand Series: A Fusion of Art and Function
TV Stand Picasso Series: When Life Needs A Little Art
Inspired by Pablo Picasso's artistic genius, this series features bold, geometric lines and a contemporary aesthetic. The Picasso Series is perfect for those who appreciate modern art and want their TV stand to make a statement. With clean, angular lines and a minimalist design, these stands seamlessly fit into any living room.
TV Stand Master Series: Effortless Style, For Less
The Master Series embodies sophistication and timeless elegance. Designed with high-quality materials and a focus on craftsmanship, these TV stands are ideal for anyone looking to add a touch of class to their home. Whether you need a TV cabinet or a corner TV stand, the Master Series offers versatile options with built-in storage to keep your living space tidy.
TV Stand Eiffel Series: Where Modern Design Meets Romance
Drawing inspiration from the architectural beauty of the Eiffel Tower, this series combines strength and elegance. The Eiffel Series features slender, strong lines and a refined design that adds a Parisian charm to your living space. These TV stands not only offer a sturdy base for your TV but also bring a sophisticated edge to your decor.
TV Stand Zen Series: Back To Nature, Back To Self
The Zen Series is all about simplicity and tranquility. With clean lines and natural materials, these TV stands promote a sense of calm and balance in your home. Ideal for those who appreciate minimalist aesthetics, the Zen Series helps you create a peaceful environment where your TV blends harmoniously with the rest of your furniture.
TV Stand Cantor Series: Supreme Luxury, Redefining Elegance
The Cantor Series showcases luxury and modern design, focusing on sleek, functional lines. These TV stands are perfect for tech-savvy households, offering practical features like adjustable shelves and cable management, all while maintaining a chic, contemporary look.
Collector Series: Various Hold, Varied Life
The Collector Series is designed for those who value uniqueness and artistry. With intricate detailing and a blend of traditional and modern design elements, these TV stands are perfect for collectors of fine furniture. Each stand in this series is a conversation piece, elevating the style of your living room.
Why Choose FITUEYES TV Stands?
Our TV stands are more than just functional pieces; they’re designed to be an integral part of your home decor. Here’s why FITUEYES stands out:
- Artistic Design: Each series is crafted with a unique aesthetic in mind, turning a simple TV standinto a centerpiece of your living room.
- High-Quality Materials: We use premium materials such as solid wood, metal, and marble to ensure durability and elegance.
- Versatility: Whether you’re looking for a corner TV stand, a TV stand with storage, or an art deco TV stand, our collection has something for every need.
- Practical Features: From built-in storage to cable management systems, our TV standsare designed to make your life easier while keeping your living space stylish.
Black Friday Deal: Transform Your Space at a Discount
This Black Friday, take advantage of our exclusive offer: 10% off all TV stands on our website. Whether you’re upgrading your current setup or creating a new entertainment space, this is the perfect opportunity to invest in a FITUEYES TV stand that combines beauty and function.
Enhancing Your UK Home with FITUEYES TV Stands
In the UK, where home decor is a reflection of personal style and cultural heritage, a TV stand is more than just a piece of furniture. It’s a statement of taste and functionality. FITUEYES understands this, and our designs are tailored to meet the needs of UK households, blending seamlessly into various interior styles, from the contemporary to the traditional.
As Black Friday approaches, we invite you to explore our range of TV stands and find the perfect addition to your home. With our focus on artistic design, high-quality materials, and practical features, FITUEYES offers a TV stand for every taste and need.
Don’t miss out on our Black Friday Deal—10% off all TV stands(CODE: BF10), from the Picasso Series to the Collector Series. Transform your living space with a FITUEYES TV stand that brings art to life.
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В приведенном примере производственный цикл составляет три месяца, поэтому если продажа была в первом месяце, выручка появится только в четвертом
Финансовую модель стоит составлять как для уже функционирующего предприятия, так и на этапе задумки
В случае построения финмодели на этапе идеи она покажет будущему управленцу, какую бизнес-модель для компании выбрать, какую ценовую политику принять и какие показатели будут оказывать основное влияние на экономическое положение бизнеса
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В состав кредиторской задолженности входят авансы клиентов и задолженности перед поставщиками за уже полученные товары, выполненные работы или оказанные услуги
Финансовая модель: что такое и зачем нужна бизнесу
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Производители плитки:
Наши проекты
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Ими можно облицевать и утеплить не только фасад, но и цоколь дома
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Крепим термопанели к стене при помощи дюбель-гвоздей; 2
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В выборе оттенка и стиля Вы ничем не ограничены
Создайте средневековый колорит с искусственно состаренной клинкерной плиткой натуральной серой или коричневой гаммы
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Деревенский домик во французском провансе легко воссоздать благодаря термопанелям с бежевой клинкерной плиткой
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